The holly and anointed work God has entrusted us goes beyond the church walls and into the marketplace. We are called out to advance God`s kingdom and transform the world through business.
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What is K.E.N.?
Kingdom Enterprise Network (KEN) is a ministry built to connect, engage, inspire and build-up
kingdom-minded businesspeople to fulfill their God-given purpose in the marketplace.
Some History
This is a vision God has planted in our hearts over the past five years.
It was triggered in 2007 in NYC as I (Thomas) started a transition from a full-time minister planting churches to become a businessperson looking for means to provide for my family and everything that goes with being a father of three wonderful young adults, with a love for God and a life of purpose ahead of them.
Although I always understood the theory, I went through a process to understand the reality that we are born for a purpose, we live for a purpose and that purpose is above everything else – the Glory of God and the bringing of his Kingdom and the fulfillment of his will here on earth as it is in heaven.
This means we don’t work for a salary, or even to support our family, we live to fulfill his calling and purpose in our lives and our work must be a part of that plan, and understanding that will change how we do things, why we do things and who we essentially are.
When we started this business, it was to support the family and the new challenges of living in NYC, but I’m the kind of person that always asks why am I doing this? I was already in my 50’s and here it seemed I was starting all over again, and the results of my hard labor weren’t really encouraging, but with the support (even though they couldn’t really answer all my questions) of the family and a few spiritual fathers, brothers and sisters, I kept persistent and slowly, I started understanding more and more God’s plan starting to unfold over the years.
Today we are a group of several businesses and God has given us a core group of men and women to walk with us in the management of the opportunities and resources he has allowed us to steward. We have seen miracle after miracle as we have learned to depend on him and do business his way. He has literally become the CEO of the businesses and we are learning everyday how to actually practice that, making Action Corporations an extension of God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
The vision God gave us for Action, has become the cornerstone of the vision we have for KEN, and there are two parts of the vision:
1. Macro Vision – how to help men and women of God build or transform their businesses into extensions of God’s kingdom and using all the resources and opportunities for God’s glory and creating a culture of ethics and honesty and purpose inside and outside of the business place. It’s more than just testifying or praying with coworkers or others, it's a whole way of doing business and trusting God in every aspect of the company. It is a way of life and applying the principles of the Kingdom to every aspect of what we do, more than what we say.
2. Micro Vision – how to help every man and women in the daily workforce learn how to develop their God given talents and abilities to grow in skills and influence and become solutions rather than salary earners. It also involves teaching not only the natural work ethics to everyday men and women, but also getting the church involved in their practical lives in breaking generational curses, addictions and emotional health to develop their professional lives and loosening every bondage that holds them back from fructifying and multiplying as God ordered us in the garden of Eden.
As we began to understand this vision, God put on my heart four basic pillars to enable us to practice this and share the vision with all those he would have us to reach out to:
1. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS - Providing a platform and environment for connections and relationships to build a community or network of enterprises and professionals, molded and focused on the Kingdom of God.
2. GENERATIONAL MENTORING - Equipping next generations for a new marketplace anchored on Kingdom principles - (students and young entrepreneurs)
3. SHARING THE PASSION - sharing dreams, passion and vision for the Kingdom of God in practical projects - missions, evangelism, social transformation, influence and impact.
4. ACTIVATING RESOURCES - creating a platform where talent, experience, wisdom, knowledge and investments can be shared and find their goal, creating new business and Kingdom opportunities - locally and even internationally.
Because of this (and a lot more we would love to share as God gives us opportunity), we are holding events that at this moment, are more of a conception phase of relationship building, as we wait on God for his direction and the prophetic input from brothers and sisters we trust in and believe God wants to contribute to this vision and expand on it.
Meet the Founders
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Our Team.
This is your Team section. It's a great place to introduce your team and talk about what makes it special, such as your culture and work philosophy. Don't be afraid to illustrate personality and character to help users connect with your team.
- sex., 21 de fev.Auditório SESC Cidadania - Goiânia21 de fev. de 2025, 08:00 – 22 de fev. de 2025, 19:00Auditório SESC Cidadania - Goiânia, R. C-224, Q. 498 - L. 11/12 - Jardim América, Goiânia - GO, 74270-030, Brazil21 de fev. de 2025, 08:00 – 22 de fev. de 2025, 19:00Auditório SESC Cidadania - Goiânia, R. C-224, Q. 498 - L. 11/12 - Jardim América, Goiânia - GO, 74270-030, BrazilA Conferência KEN é uma oportunidade única para líderes, empreendedores, sonhadores e profissionais bem-sucedidos ampliarem sua visão, renovarem suas mentes e transformarem suas áreas de atuação, impactando gerações com os princípios e valores do Reino de Deus.
- sex., 23 de set.Orlando23 de set. de 2022, 19:00 – 24 de set. de 2022, 22:00Orlando, 5950 Lakehurst Dr #101, Orlando, FL 32819, USA